Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BIG Yard Sale (Denison) Fri-Sat--Primitives-Shabby Chic--MORE!!

Finally the weather has cooled off enough I can have a  HUGE yard sale of shabby chic, primitives, garden/yard art (including bird baths, headless statute, rusty windmill, garden chairs, bird houses, planters, etc), large display or book shelves, old wardrobe cabinet, pie safe, old enamel top table, large floral display, old cast sinks and tub (I was going to make a planter or water feature out of the old aqua tub), head boards/beds, art, old springs,  backpacks, plus lots and lots of oldies---

8:00 in Denison - Email for more info---I can't get the pictures to take but will keep trying...