Monday, July 4, 2016

It's been a while, but I'm back. I have been busy getting my 2 shops and travel trailer shop finished, stocked and open for business plus helping my daughter with her shop -- all located together 4 miles south of Canton on Hwy 19. We are now open on Trade Days weekends - Wed-Sun 9-4. See us on facebook at for Sales, Events, Pictures and more.

Plus I've been busy getting our place totally redone. It is taking a long time since I've had a difficult time finding a handyman. I did finally finish and sell my former house--yea!

I'm still seeking that elusive Antique/Junk dealer who has a successful shop (not an antique mall or flea market, but a single person shop) for an article I'm working on.
If you happen to know of one, please email me.

In Canton, we have very limited internet data (another reason I guess for not keeping current). I sure miss our unlimited data. The library here is only open Tues-Fri. More later.